HomePrivacy Policy

Motive's Privacy Policy

Last updated 23rd January, 2023.

Motive’s Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes how Motive App Limited (Company Number: 13245163) located at Motive App Limited, Nexus, Discovery Way, Leeds, LS2 3AA, United Kingdom (“Motive”, “our” or “we”) collects, uses, and shares your personal data. This Policy includes whether you are a Visitor, User, Group or Organisation. Motive App Limited is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation. We also have separate agreements with other Organisations, Institutions and Groups where they might also act as the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation.

Contact Details

If you have any questions about Motive’s Privacy Policy or you would like further information about our privacy practices then you can contact us in the following ways:

By email: info@motive-app.co.uk

On our website: https://www.motive-app.co.uk/contact

By post: Motive App Limited, Nexus, Discovery Way, Leeds, LS2 3AA, United Kingdom.


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the following definitions apply:

“Visitor”, “Users”, “You” or “Your” means any individual, individuals or third party who visit or interact with Motive on our websites or our Platforms (such as our mobile apps or desktop platforms) or our Platforms which may be embedded in other websites or platforms. This also includes any individual, individuals or third parties who visit or interact with Motive in person (including by phone or when visiting our office).

“Group” means any individual or individuals who are a third party supplier of Events and/or Memberships (this typically includes the sale of tickets for Events and/or the sale of Memberships to their Group) and may include but is not limited to a university society, promoter, general event organiser, venue or organisation.

“Organisation” means any third party which has responsibility for or maintains an authoritative or governing position over other Groups and may include but is not limited to a brand, organisation, university union, regional or national club or society. They typically also supply their own Events and Memberships which includes the sale of tickets for Events and/or the sale of Memberships to their Organisation.

“Event” means an individual Event or Events listed on our Platform.

“Membership” means an individual Membership or Memberships listed on our Platform.

“Platform” means our website, desktop applications and mobile applications. It also includes but is not limited to our widgets, plugins, features and embedded Platform on other websites.

“Data Protection Legislation” means (i) the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as revised and superseded from time to time; (ii) the UK Data Protection Act 2018; (iii) Directive 2002/58/EC as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC; and (iv) any other laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data and privacy which apply to a party and, if applicable, the guidance and codes of practice issued by the relevant data protection or supervisory authority.

Our Privacy Statement

At Motive we are committed to providing fundamental privacy rights. This Privacy Policy is designed to provide you with clear information on our privacy practices. In this Policy you will find:

What Information We Collect & Where We Get It

We collect and store different types of information about you when you create an account, buy tickets to Events or Memberships, become a Group or Organisation, contact us, and use our Platform or social media.

How We Use Your Information & Why

We collect and use your information for many reasons such as improving your experience with Motive, sharing news and updates, for marketing and as otherwise required by law.

Who We Share Your Data With & Why

We may share your information with Groups and Organisations – such as university unions, university societies, venues and clubs – as well as other third parties associated with the service provided.

Your Choices & Rights

We respect your ability to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and delete your personal data. You also have the choice whether to receive marketing from us and the right to withdraw any consent you have previously provided in processing your personal data.

Looking After Your Information

We take great care in employing physical, administrative and technical measures to protect your data. We’re constantly making steps to improve how your information is protected and to delete it securely when we no longer need it.

Other Information

We will provide you with or tell you how to find other relevant information such as our Cookie Policy.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or feedback about this notice, or how we handle your information, you can find our contact details at the start and end of this Policy and on our website.

For each of these sections you can find further information below.

What Information We Collect & Where We Get It

At Motive we create our products to bring you the best experiences. We ensure to only collect the information we need to provide you with our services and products. When you visit the Motive Platform, create a Motive account, use our services, download any software update, complete any survey, contact us (including social media), or otherwise interact with Motive as a Visitor, User, Group or Organisation we collect a variety of information from you including:

Account Information. Your registered email address and related account details, including other email addresses associated to you, your name, your profile photo, your interests, devices registered and your account status.

Group or Organisation Information. The name and location of your Group or Organisation. Who belongs to or is an Administrator of that Group or Organisation. If your Group belongs to an Organisation. What type of activities, Events and Memberships your Group or Organisation participates in or provides. Contact information of your Group or Organisation such as email, address, website, phone number and other contact information.

Use of Interest-Based Data. We do this by directly asking you or we sometimes make inferences based on the Events and Memberships you hold and aggregated data we may have. We may use these inferences to help target advertising or customise recommendations to you, including on behalf of Organisers. We may do this on an aggregated or generalised basis.

Contact Information. Data such as name, email address, physical address, phone number, or other contact information such as but not limited to social media accounts.

Payment Information. Data about your billing address and method of payment, such as bank details, credit, debit, or other payment card information although we do not store this ourselves.

Transaction Information. Data about purchases of Motive products and services or transactions facilitated by Motive, including purchases on Motive Platforms.

Tickets and Membership Information. Details relating to the tickets or Memberships held by you. The validation of the tickets held by you including time and date of validation, and number of tickets admitted / rejected. Such information may be used to determine the validity of refund requests made by you.

Technical Information. Data about the device you are using such as the type of browser you are using or the webpage you accessed our Platform from. For further details about the technical information we collect please see our Cookie Policy.

Usage Data. Data about your activity on and use of our offerings, such as app launches within our services, including browsing history; search history; product interaction; crash data, performance and other diagnostic data; and other usage data. For further details about the usage data we collect please see our Cookie Policy.

Tools and Third Party Software. Data we collect about the use of Motive’s services which we may automatically collect from time to time with analytical tools and software from third parties that does not allow us to directly identify you (Aggregated Data which becomes Non-Personal Data). This may include but is not limited to Media Access Control (“MAC”) address and identifier for advertising (“IDFA”) or other device identifier, the device software platform and firmware, mobile phone carrier, geographical data such as coarse location and any other technical data as reasonably required by Motive to enhance our products and services. For further details about the tools and third party software we use please see our Cookie Policy.

Location Information. Precise location only to support services such as finding nearby Events, Groups and Organisations.

Fraud Prevention Information. Data used to help identify and prevent fraud.

Information Provided By Others. Data provided to us (or provided at your direction) about you, your Group or Organisation which include but are not limited to complaints, referrals, recommendations or otherwise. Where there is no reasonable reason for us to receive this data we will delete it.

Other Information You Provide to Us. Details such as the content of your communications with Motive, including interactions with customer support and contacts through social media channels and other information you may choose to provide us with from time to time. Details of any preferences, personal settings and responses to surveys or questionnaires we may send you.

Where we rely on your consent to process personal data, you have the right to withdraw or decline your consent at any time and where we rely on legitimate interests, you have the right to object. Where you choose to exercise these rights, we may not be able to offer you our products or services or respond to other requests you may have.

How We Use Your Information & Why

We will only process your Personal Data, in accordance with the laws, our legitimate business interest and as set out in this Privacy Policy, for the following purposes:

To Provide Our Service. We collect necessary personal data so we can provide our contractual obligations and our Platform service to you. We may also use personal data to improve our services and offerings, for troubleshooting or for internal auditing and analytics.

To Process Transactions. We must collect certain personal data to take and make payments and process transactions such as name, purchase and payment information. We do not store your payment details.

To Communicate With You. We must collect certain personal information when you communicate with us or when we communicate with you. This includes but is not limited to email, online support, phone, post, instant messaging, social media or on our Platform. We may communicate with you for a variety of reasons including marketing, providing information or requesting feedback. From time to time, we may also need to communicate important information to you such as transaction and purchase information or updates to our terms and conditions or policies, as this information is important to your interaction with Motive, you may not opt out of receiving these communications.

To Prevent or Detect Unlawful Behaviour. We may use your personal data to protect you, our staff, our users and any other legal rights or as otherwise permitted by law. For example to detect the misuse of our intellectual property or unfair or fraudulent purchases.

To Resolve Refunds or Disputes. We may use your personal data to carry out refunds, resolve disputes or to provide customer support.

Personal Data Used for Personalisation. From time to time we may offer you the opportunity to personalise the service you receive from us. We may use your personal data to tailor our services, marketing and communications with you in accordance with our legitimate business interest. For example if you attend sports events, we may then recommend other sports events to you.

Notifications. From time-to-time, we may send you notifications, including by way of email, instant message, and push notification, provided you have opted-in to receiving such notifications. This includes if you have chosen to “follow” a User, Group or Organisation. We will always give you the option to opt-out of receiving notifications by following the unsubscribe instructions on communications sent to you. Notifications may include information about events, updates to our service, and surveys. In respect of the latter, we may use surveys (or similar) to gather additional information from you so that we can improve our service and offering. Notifications may also include communications distributed on behalf of Motive and/or our commercial partners containing but not limited to promotions, offers, competitions and advertisements.

Comply with Law. In response to a request from the police or other emergency services, or a court or regulatory body, where such request is made in accordance with the law.

Who We Share Your Data With & Why

Motive may share personal data with service providers who act on our behalf, our partners, developers, and Groups or Organisations, or others at your direction.

Service Providers. Motive may share your personal data with our third party service providers such as cloud computing providers who provide the IT infrastructure on which our products and systems are built or our payment processing partners who we require to protect your payments.

With Groups or Organisations. We may also share your personal data with Groups or Organisations as part of our service to you. For example if you buy a ticket to an event hosted from a certain Group then that Group will be able to see your name, email, what you purchased and when.

With Other Users. If you use our Ticket Exchange service, we may share your data with the buyer or seller (whichever is applicable to you) so you may get the correct ticket or the correct payment.

Further Third Party Services. When you interact with other third parties on the Motive Platform such as Users, Groups or Organisations or by purchasing a ticket to their Events or a Membership, you may be invited to receive promotions, marketing and other communications from them. For example a Group may push notify you about important updates to their Event that you have purchased a ticket for. By purchasing or joining those products or services you authorise Motive to provide your name, email and any other necessary information to those third parties. The use of your Personal Data will be governed by the terms of that entity’s own terms of supply and privacy policy, so please ensure that you read the relevant terms and privacy policy carefully before you agree to purchase from, or engage with, that third party.

Others. Motive may share personal data with others at your direction or with your consent. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate. We may also disclose information about you where there is a lawful basis for doing so, if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or to protect our operations or users. We may temporarily or permanently share your personal data to another legal entity in the event of a sale, merger, acquisition, joint venture, dissolution or other similar event.

Your Choices & Rights

Motive respects your rights and the choices you have with your data. You are able to exercise these choices and rights at any time you wish in accordance with Data protection Legislation and as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Your choices:

Stop Receiving Marketing Communications. You can opt out or unsubscribe from this by following the steps found within the communication. For example by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email.

To Opt Out of Cookies and Tracking. Please see our Cookie Policy.

Opt Out of Push Notifications and Location Tracking. You can change the settings on your device or keep your location off. To stop web push notifications, you will need to use your browser settings.

Object to Personalisation. By changing your preferences within your account settings. If this option is not available you can contact us and we will do it for you.

Your rights:

Your Right of Access. You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.

Your Right to Rectification. You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.

Your Right to Erasure. You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your Right to Restriction of Processing. You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

Your Right to Object to Processing. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

Your Right to Data Portability. You have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. To exercise any of your choices or rights please contact us at info@motive-app.co.uk or by using the other methods provided at the top and bottom of this Privacy Policy.

Looking After Your Information

We have security measures in place to protect your information. The security measures we use will depend on the type of information collected.

We only keep your information for as long as required to provide you with the services you request, for the purposes outlined in this policy and for any legal purposes for which we are obliged to keep the information. We will securely delete your information when it is no longer required for these purposes, in line with our company policies.

Secure Servers. All information that you provide to us is stored by us or on our behalf on secure servers based in the UK or other European Economic Area (“EEA”) Countries.

Secure Payments. No credit or debit card information is stored on our servers. We use Stripe, a leading PCI compliant service payment provider, to store your debit and credit card information. Stripe has been audited by an independent PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and holds the highest level of certification given by card issuers (PCI-DSS Level 1).

Encryption. When moving your data we protect it with multiple layers of security, including leading encryption technology like HTTPS, SSL and Transport Layer Security.

Monitoring. We monitor our services and underlying infrastructure to protect them from threats, including spam, malware, viruses and other forms of malicious code. We backup our data in different geographical locations using the same secure servers to protect from fire or other losses.

Other Information

Children and Personal Data

We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for everyone. Our platform is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 18. If we discover a User is under the age of 18 or we have any personal data of a person under the age of 18 it will be deleted immediately except where we must retain it for lawful purposes such as in an emergency or when notified by the police.

Cookie Policy

For further information about how we use and store cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.


We may amend this Policy at any time to reflect changes to the Platform, services provided thereunder or our general terms of use.

This policy was last updated 23rd January, 2023.

Contact Information

To request your data, or if you have any questions about Motive’s Privacy Policy or you would like further information about our privacy practices then you contact us in the following ways:

By email: info@motive-app.co.uk

On our website: https://www.motive-app.co.uk/contact

By post: Motive App Limited, Nexus, Discovery Way, Leeds, LS2 3AA, United Kingdom.

How to Complain

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data. However, we encourage you to please speak to us and let us help you in the first instance.

The ICO's address:

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, United Kingdom.